In Orbit Asset, you can add many different types of works including invention disclosures, patent applications or patents, trademarks including registered marks, intent to use marks or marks still being considered for registration and designs including preparatory materials. It's also possible to add contracts and other documents. All these assets can be added as part of the creation of a family, including a single asset "family".
The first step is to click the plus ( + ) sign on the lower right side of all views. This opens a pop up and the ability to click into the appropriate asset type to begin adding the information.
The next step is to enter specific information about the asset that you are adding. Using the example of adding an invention disclosure, let's look at the next steps. The process for adding information for the other asset types is similar. Notice the process steps at the top of the pop up showing the next steps beginning with Configure your asset.
After filling in the mandatory fields, shown below in a yellow highlight, notice the selection at the bottom regarding the status of the asset being entered. After filling in the fields and selecting the status of the asset click into Next step.
The next step requires the entry of a few more pieces of information including the Case manager, the in-house attorney and the invention disclosure date. Notice the yellow highlight below to show the fields that were filled in. Click on Add an invention disclosure for the final step.
Clicking on Add an invention disclosure completes the process as the system will validate the information added and affirm that an invention was added.
Note: Additional elements (inventors, assignments, comments, abstract, tag classification or documents) can be added by going to the invention directly.