To add trademarks in a family, there are 2 main solutions. It is possible to easily add trademarks within a family by using the workflow "Add Trademark" (for adding trademark under priority or without priority) or "Add Country designation" (for adding country designation or subsequent designation under an international trademark).
To launch these workflows, it is necessary to click on the options (3 dots buttons) on the page of the parent trademark (the trademark that will be used as a basis for copying the information to be duplicated, such as images or contacts).
Add trademark: This option is available for all trademarks (except for international trademarks). It allows you to add trademarks in bulk by copying the important information from the parent trademark. All the copied information is summarized in the workflow step.
- First step: Select if "Under priority" or "Without priority"
This step will determine the "Trademark type" and the priority date of the trademarks you will create (either "Under priority" (with priority date = priority date of the parent trademark) or "Without priority" (with priority date = application date of the created trademark).
- Second step: Select trademark juridictions
This step allows you to choose the jurisdictions of the trademarks you wish to add. The section "Designated countries for the Madrid registrations" will allow you to create an international trademark (and the selected designations) and the section "Countries for individual registration" will allow you to create national trademarks.
- Third step: Add application number and date
Last step: Check and validation before the creation of the wanted trademarks
Add Country designation: This option is available for international brands. It allows you to add country designation or subsequent designation in bulk by copying the important information from the parent brand. All the copied information is summarized in the workflow step.
- First step: Select if "Designated countries" or "Subsequent designation"
This step will determine the "Trademark type" and the priority date of the trademarks you will create.
- Second step: Select designation juridictions
- Last step: Check and validation before the creation of the wanted trademarks
Note: It is also possible to manually add a brand to a family independently:
See related article : Add manually a new trademark to a family