There are several levels of rights or permissions available.
- Admin users has full access and can modify everything.
- Advanced users can edit but not delete assets and have access to all features except the administration tab.
- Contributors can add assets and documents. They cannot edit the bibliographic information and delete assets. They do not have access to the budget, renewals and committee tabs.
- Guests have read-only access and do not see the budget, renewals module and document information tabs.
- Guests can access only their personal tasks.
The following table lists the levels of rights and associated permissions:
* Admin tab allows you to manage :
- Tag Management: Add and modify the user fields
- Trademark law & Patent law & Extension profiles: Customize the cost engine
- Import Excel: Import excel files for importing patents, trademarks and related invoices
- Docketing configuration: Modify your docketing options
- Organization & user management: Create and manage users, contacts, entities and law firms
- Extension profile: Create extension profiles per tags to calculate your cost forecast
- Update preference: Modify your update preferences by fields (Automatic update, Suggested update, No update)
- Client preferences: Modify your client preferences and formats.
You will find some screenshots to illustrate these permission levels:
Admin's portfolio overview:
Admin's Family overview (and options):
Admin's Asset overview (and options):
Advanced user's portfolio overview:
Advanced user's Family overview (and options):
Advanced user's Asset overview (and options):
Guest user's portfolio overview:
Guest user's Family overview (and options):
Guest user's Family overview (and options):