The synchronized mode with PAVIS allows direct management of instructions and payment of renewals via the Asset Ready interface.
In this article you will find a collection of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. This section can be updated on demand.
Why is it interesting to connect my Orbit Asset account to Questel's renewal payment system (PAVIS)?
Connecting your Orbit Asset account to PAVIS will help you to reduce costs, save time, reduce errors and improve payment visibility.
How do I connect my Orbit Asset account to Questel's Renewal Payment Service (PAVIS)?
Before you can link your Orbit Asset account to PAVIS for paying automatically your renewals, you need to get in touch with your sales representative to establish renewal payment terms and start the onboarding process. The onboarding process comprises three primary stages:
- Setting up a customer account in the PAVIS system and linking it to your Orbit Asset account
- Reviewing and correcting patent & trademark bibliographic information to ensure that all assets are properly linked and all necessary data is available for future renewals calculation (interaction between PAVIS team & Client).
- Check "Renewal option" and Going live!
Is it possible to connect my Orbit Asset account to a third-party renewal payer?
In order to use a third-party payment service for renewals, the "active mode" must be employed. The system will offer suggested renewal dates, and the user can export decisions and manually update the status of decisions in the "Renewal" tab. It should be noted that in this scenario, PAVIS will not handle any renewal payments and will be not responsible of the next renewal date calculation (only suggestions).
However, a completely automated integration with a third party payment service can be done but necessitates specific development that must first be approved by the Questel team.
Can I send all my renewal instructions through my Orbit Asset account for all my intellectual property assets?
Currently, the system of automated sending of renewal instructions is available for patents and trademarks.
The management of renewals for other types of intellectual property (designs, domain names) are managed via specific interfaces.
Can I opt out of using Questel's renewal payment service for certain patents or trademarks ?
It is possible to use Questel's renewal service for only a portion of your intellectual property and keep a third party to pay for the renewals of the others.
- It is possible to use Questel's renewal payment service for trademarks and not for your patents.
- It is possible to use Questel's renewal payment service for one part of your patent (or trademark) portfolio and continue to use your historical suppliers for the other part.
How do I send my payment instructions directly from Orbit Asset?
The automated system computes the upcoming renewal date and designates it as "Renew" automatically. In order for a renewal to be sent to PAVIS, it is necessary for PAVIS to be designated as "Annuity provider" (contact tab).
In case you decide not to renew the asset, you can either:
- Update the asset's status to "Abandoned", "Withdrawn", "Expired" or "Ended", which will switch the renewal instruction status to "Do not renew".
- Change the renewal instruction status to "Do not renew", which will automatically set the asset's status as abandoned once the renewal process will be completed.
What are the steps described in the "Renewal" tab?
The "Renewal" tab allows you to track the status of all your scheduled renewals. The decision flow of the payment of a decision is segmented in 3 steps:
- Step1: “Renewals pending instruction" : This is the preliminary phase and it is possible to choose the status of each renewal individually. This phase ends at the "Instruction deadline".
- Step2: "Renewals being processed" : After the "Instruction deadline" the renewals move to the "Renewal being processed" phase. The payment is taken into account and the Questel team prepares the payment. It is no longer possible to modify your decision via the platform (if necessary, contact the Questel team to stop the payment as soon as possible).
- Step3: “Phase Renewals completed” : The annuity is paid and you will find the renewal payment receipt attached.
The “PAVIS status” will give you the exact status in real time of your renewal processing.
Description of the “PAVIS status”:
- Order in process (not yet paid)
- Order cancelled (cancellation asked by client)
- Order paid (paid, waiting the receipt)
- Order complete (paid & receipt received)
What are the best practices to make sure I don't miss a renewal?
There are several ways to ensure that everything is properly connected to the renewal payment service:
- Check that all the wanted assets are associated with the annuity provider "PAVIS" (only assets associated with PAVIS as annuity provider will be sent to PAVIS).
Note: Use the advanced search and search “Annuity provider” is empty
- Check your "Error Report" available in the "Renewal" tab on a regular basis and correct the bibliographic data accordingly of the error message.
Note: This report lists the errors in assets that have "PAVIS" as the annuity to pay.
Who do I contact if I have a problem or a question?
As always, if you have a question or notice an error or malfunction, send an email to this address:
What to do if a renewal is not created or in error?
There are several ways to ensure that everything is properly connected to the renewal payment service:
- In the contact section, check if PAVIS is assigned as “Annuity provider” (if not, assign “PAVIS” as “Annuity provider”).
- Check if the bibliography is correct (you can use the “update suggestion” system or click on links named “Register”, “Latest publication” or “Public records”)
- If you don’t understand the error message in the widget “Next renewal”, contact directly your contact at PAVIS.
- If the problem persists, contact directly [email protected].
How can I use the grace period to pay my renewal?
For using the "Grace period", please contact PAVIS first. It will be managed case by case.
Until when can I send my renewal instruction?
By default, renewal decisions are automatically set to "Renew", so if nothing is done, the patent or trademark will be renewed automatically.
You have until the "Instruction deadline" to send a counter order (ie: "Do not renew" for example)
How do I know if my renewal has been paid correctly?
The information is available in the "Renewal" tab or in the widget “Next renewal” on the Asset overview:
- “Renewals pending instruction": Instruction can be modified / Not yet processed by PAVIS
- “Renewals being processed”: Instruction cannot be modified via the interface / Check the PAVIS status for more details
- “Phase Renewals completed”: The annuity is paid and you will find the renewal payment receipt attached.
Is it possible to have different invoices depending on the patent owner?
Yes, it is possible to associate each owner with a specific “PAVIS cost account” and a specific “PAVIS debit ID”.
- Pavis cost account : You can specify the cost unit. On request the invoicing can be distributed according to the cost unit to different invoice addresses.
- Pavis debit ID : You can specify the right Pavis Customer Number for the selection of the invoice address for the asset.
The administrator can change this information at the entity level (ADMIN > CONTACT AND ORGANIZATION > ENTITIES)
How can I benefit from the "Small entity" discount?
Yes, if a patent is associated with an "Owner" marked as "Small entities" then the information will be taken into account by PAVIS.
The administrator can change this information at the entity level (ADMIN > CONTACT AND ORGANIZATION > ENTITIES)
Can I receive a report of the next renewal due by email?
Yes, in the ADMIN > RENEWALS you can activate the option “Receive a weekly excel report by email with the renewals due for the next 6 months »
What is the "Payment start date"?
It is possible to postpone for some patents or trademarks the payment of the renewals by PAVIS. These assets will only be taken into account by PAVIS after the "Start date".
Why is the information about the cost of the annuities not always the same in the budget tab and in the Renewal tab?
The information presented in the Renewal tab (and the "next renewal" widgets) is directly sent by PAVIS and corresponds to the price negotiated with PAVIS.
The information available in the "Budget" tab is a simulation and an approximation to have a generic evaluation of all the costs to come on the portfolio. This engine can be customized to get closer to the real costs.