It is possible to manage inventors and owners at the asset level. It is important to note that each asset is independent within a family. Their modification (addition/removal) is only possible at the patent level. At the family overview level, the widgets are a summary of the information available in each patent.

For example, it is possible to have patents with different inventors or owners within the same family.

The following images illustrate the "Owner(s)" and "Inventor(s)" widgets at the patent level and at the patent family level.

Asset Level

Family Level

Inventors and owners are automatically duplicated during the workflow of adding an extension to a family (adding a PCT, national phases or EP validation). This avoids having to add the same information for each new extension.

Because inventors and owners are often the same for the whole family, it is possible to duplicate the modifications made to the whole family. To duplicate a change, simply open the desired widget, make the modification and save it. After saving the modification, a "Duplicate" button is available to duplicate the modifications made to all family members.

If it is possible to add an inventor that is not available in the directory (see Admin>Contact management), it is necessary to ask its administrator to add a new organization in the system.