Depending of “role”, contact can be assigned to an asset (directly from the tab “Contact” of an asset or in bulk (via a selection of asset).

A contact with an access to the Orbit Asset tool can have access to all assets or just to the assets on which he has been assigned as contact.


Contacts can be attached to assets with different roles:

  • Inventor (for patents, designs or other types of assets)
  • Case Manager (person in charge of an asset)
  • Inhouse Attorney (person in charge of an asset)
  • Other type of contact (e.g. External Paralegal or IP team member)
  • Contact from an IP firm (primary law firm, secondary law firm, filing law firm or Renewal law firm).


It is possible to control the level of access and limit access to certain assets in your portfolio for certain contacts (see in admin, contact & Organisation tab, "Limited access" vs "Complete access"). This limit allows you to restrict the view of these contacts to the assets to which they are contacts. A contact is for example an inventor or the patent engineer of the patent firm in charge of the asset.


To see if a contact has access to an asset, simply click on the asset and the "contact" tab. If the contact has "Access" then that contact can see that asset and modify it according to their permission level (advanced or Guest).


To remove a contact's access to the database, the administrator simply goes to Admin> "Contact & Organization" and clicks on "Edit access".


Example of applications:


  • Allow your inventors to track their records:

By giving access to Orbit Asset to your inventors with the "Guest" level and a limited access, they will be able to have access to their invention and to follow their evolution.


  • Allow your patent office to consult or modify data directly in your system:

By giving access to Orbit Asset to an external IP firm (or paralegal) with the "Advanced" level and limited access, they will be able to log in to access the assets they are in charge of, follow their evolution and add tasks or documents.


  • Give key people in your organization access to certain assets:

You can give limited access to business unit managers, marketing or legal managers so that they can make reports independently or follow the evolution of a particular group of patents (for example those related to a product or a business unit).

It is possible to assign contacts (named "Other contact") in mass directly via the "portfolio" interface. These people will then have access only to this group of assets and follow its evolution.