The passive renewal mode is the default mode, and is fully automatized. This mode doesn’t allow to manage renewal instructions but only to automatically generate the renewal dates, list them by quarter or months and create specific committees if necessary.


The "Renewals" tab allows you to view the three main steps of the standard renewal instruction and payment process. The status of each renewal is automatically modified according to the renewal date and the status of the asset.

Note : if the status of the asset is modified by abandonment, the status of the renewal will be modified accordingly.


  • Renewals pending instruction

This tab allows you to list all the instructions that must be sent by months or quarter
By selecting one or more cases, you can add the assets to a committee to ask reviewers' inputs before making the decision. 
The instruction date can be customized in the Admin section. When the instruction date is passed, the case will be sent to the second step “Renewals being processed”.

  • Renewals being processed

This tab allows you to list the renewals that are being paid. 

When the renewal date is passed, the case will be sent to the third step “Renewals completed”.

  • Renewals completed

This tab allows you to list the renewals that should have been paid. A completed renewal will remain in this section for 2 months.