An option to generate an IDS in official format is available for US patents. By clicking on the option button (3 dots button), you can click on "Generate IDS".
On a new page, you will start a workflow to complete your IDS. If your patent is published, the necessary data will be completed automatically, otherwise you can complete it manually.
- Step 1 : Add your patent(s) prior art
You can add your prior art in two different ways:
- Manually: you just have to enter the publication number of the patent you want to cite, and the information will be automatically retrieved from the Questel database.
- By importing a CSV file : you will find the template directly on the interface and an explicative video). Simply enter the publication number of each patent and the necessary information will be retrieved automatically.
- Step 2 : Add your NPL document(s) prior art
The second step is to add "Non patent literature". In the same way you can add it manually or via a csv template available on the interface.
In the csv template, simply enter the NPL description (one line / NPL).
Note that the USPTO requires the following format: Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc), date, pages(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published.
- Step 3 : Check documents
The third step allows you to choose which documents you want to export for each prior art (English equivalent? English translation? original document?). You can select multiple documents.
- Step 4 : Sign and/or generate IDS
The last step allows you to export to your computer all the documents and the completed IDS in official format. Please note that the IDS can be modified and that it is possible to correct the data if necessary.